Last week was quite the long week!
Truman woke up with a fever Monday morning. Then, Eden started complaining of a sore throat as well as Truman, Monday evening?! So, I kept them both home on Tuesday from School, and I made a Dr. appointment! I hauled all three kids off to clean one house quick before the appointment! My kids NEVER get sick, so going to the doctor is a rare occurrence. I can count on one hand how many times they've been on antibiotics in the last 8 years! And then, when we got there they couldn't find Truman's records...turns out they were in storage!? He hadn't been to the dr. since his 5 yr. well-check in 2006! I was totally laughing!
So, we finally get in the room and the nurse asked some questions, swabbed both of their throats and left. Meanwhile, as we were waiting for the doctor to come back with the results, I threw Briar up on the table and proceeded to put lotion on her belly to kill some time...she has had a "rash" for about 3 weeks that I just assumed was dry skin because it was super cold and dry when we were in the midwest for the holidays...makes sense. Right?
So, the Doctor comes in and says, "both tests came back negative for strep" I was somewhat surprised, but relieved. She continues with the rest of the checkup, listening to heart and lungs and asking all the questions...then she looks at Truman's cheeks and says "does he always have this rash on his cheeks?" and I said "no, it started with the fever" and she was like, "oh, well he has a couple spots on his tummy too" and I go, "That's nothin' you should see this!!!" and I lifted Briar's shirt...She GASPED, "THAT LOOKS LIKE STREP RASH"!!!
Flustered, I said, "I don't have an appointment for her!" and she was like, "It's okay, we'll get her in!" She immediately swabbed Briar's throat and sent for her records to be pulled! Sure enough! Briar was the one with Strep!?! So, she put them all on antibiotics!
Truman was out of school the entire week, and Eden missed Tuesday through Thursday.
So, there were a couple houses I had to clean with all three kids! Fortunately they were really good and helpful! They are all doing well, just three more days of bubble-gum flavored medicine left!
...and now I'm sick.