We are all born with it. When we see flowers we want to pick them and give them to Mommy. I did it when I was little...now I'm the happy recipient.
It didn't take long after Eden was old enough to pick flowers and walk over and hand them to me, that I decided I would always be prepared to receive them. For about as long as I've been a mom, I've always had cute, tiny bottles or vases in my kitchen window--some extra short for the flowers that "come without stems". I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT WHEN THEY BRING ME FLOWERS! I LOVE FLOWERS! I LOVE MY KIDS!
I usually say in a somewhat-loud high-pitched voice "Oh thank you!!! This is the best day EVER!" They know I appreciate it and they love to make me all happy and excited!
My parents were in town for the kids' baptism and it happened to be the same weekend of my mom's birthday, so after a quick trip to Mall of America {the kids and me} with Dakota...everyone met at Olive Garden to celebrate my mom a.k.a. Gramma Bonnie. I had made her favorite, German Chocolate Cake [2-layer cupcakes] just for her and brought them to the restaurant. Happy Birthday Mom!
Please watch this {less than} 7 minute video of the beautiful service. If you don't have 7 minutes and you just want to see Eden and Truman, start at 4 minutes and 30 seconds and then watch to the end.
For the sake of the video not getting too long the testimonies were cut short. Eden and Truman each wrote their own and then Q coached them on public speaking. They both did a great job. It was just a gorgeous summer evening, and truly a wonderful testimony to the community of what Christ has done for us.{the service was at a public beach and many people gathered to watch what we were doing--Praise God}
Eden giving her testimony
Truman giving his testimony
With Great Grampa Marty
With Joel and Sue, dear friends and godparents of Eden and Truman
Eden and Haley
Truman with his two best buddies, {cousins} Owen and Preston
with Grampa Bob and Gramma Bonnie
After the baptism service we had all the family over to our house for a celebration dinner.
Daddy prayed a special prayer of blessing over each of the kids.
With Uncle Josh (Q's brother) and Aunt Heather
With Alena
With Auntie Jessica (Q's sister) and cousins, Rose and James
With Uncle Ryan (my brother) and Aunt Cheryl and cousins, Nolan, Haley, Owen, and Preston
On July 20th, Q and I celebrated our 14 year anniversary. We celebrated with a weekend in Minneapolis. My parents came up from Wisconsin to stay with the kids so we could spend the weekend just the two of us. We stayed in a hotel on the west side of the city.
Our first stop was Kohl's...to buy Twins T-shirts.
...because we're goin' to a Twins game!
And, it's our first time at the new stadium. Target Field--"the best field in the country"! What a gorgeous night for a baseball game.
So fun to be right downtown and see the skyline from the stadium! The atmosphere was perfectly Minnesotan and all-American!
by the way, the Twins won!
On Saturday, we rented city bikes and rode around downtown. It was so fun!
Of course we had to ride by the metro-
dome (where
the Vikings play)
We had Starbucks...
Statue of Joe Mauer
We found this GREAT restaurant right on Lake Minnetonka for supper
Sunday was the last day. We enjoyed a very leisurely morning, checked out of our hotel, and went to Original Pancake House {our number one fave for breakfast in the twin cities}before heading home to the kiddos.
We are always so grateful for the gift of time together just the two of us. We spent a lot of the weekend talking about how happy we are to be together and dreaming about our future and how fortunate we are to have such a special marriage relationship. We truly are best friends and more in love than ever. By putting God first in our marriage, we've been able to work through the difficult times and come out stronger and closer than ever. We feel so blessed to have each other and we want to give all the glory to God.
Thanks again to my parents for coming up to stay with the kids! I know they always enjoy the time with Grampa and Gramma.