We found out January 5th that we are having another boy. We are all so excited, especially big brother, Truman! He wanted a boy so badly.
I've never "found out" from an ultrasound before...and I must say, it was quite a different experience. I'm an overly emotional person as it is, so I suppose that influenced my expectations to some degree, but I fully anticipated the full-blown big emotion- filled "announcement" with all the excitement any ultra-sound tech could muster. Well, this is a "family" blog so I don't feel it would be appropriate to type the exact words of the lady conducting the ultrasound, but I assure you it wasn't, "drumroll please...IT'S A...BOY!!!" (cue noisemakers, balloons, and fireworks)
It was just there on the screen and it may as well have been his kidney or his bladder. As she
simply stated the mini
body parts we were looking at...I literally stopped her from quickly flipping to the next screen to show the chambers of his heart [OR WHATEVER] and said emphatically,
"SO WHAT YOU'RE SAYING IS... 'IT'S A BOY'!!!!????!!!!!!" I was all but begging her to
please use that phrase! nope. her response? (with a smile) "They're the ones with the __________." Could she have given me a moment to let it all sink in? I wanted to gaze into Quenton's eyes and well up with tears together and celebrate. but instead, I was lying there on my back with my huge bare belly all covered in slime...come to think of it, that part wasn't that much different...but the point is there was one huge part missing! The baby! was still inside me! and he still is! I had this overwhelming feeling of like, you just told me it's a boy...now hand him to me so I can hold him and look at him and love him. Well, needless to say, she went on counting the baby's chromosomes and measuring his tiny unborn baby bones...as I just lay there wondering if I should laugh or cry, talk about it or just be quiet.
he's perfect. Of the 33 tests they did, he passed every one of them as perfectly normal and healthy.
These are the pictures from the 3D ultrasound that day (18 weeks)...

profile and little fist
back, leg/knee, arm/elbow, umbilical cord
We couldn't wait to tell Eden, Truman, and Briar the news but we wanted to do it in some special way. So we stopped at Party City on our way home and got a big bouquet of blue balloons with one that said "it's a boy". Then when they got home from school, we had them all close their eyes and guess if they thought it was a boy or a girl...they all guessed BOY! Then I snuck in the room with the balloons while their eyes were still closed...when they opened their eyes to discover the blue balloons they knew right away...well, Eden knew right away, Truman knew when Eden said it, and Briar was just kinda like, "what's up with the balloons? is it a boy or a girl?" I was bawling when Truman found out...and he was soon talking about the Vikings and how he couldn't wait to have a Viking's fan brother.
It was a special, special day.