I had the opportunity to join Quenton on a
HOPE trip to Dominican Republic that he was leading. Mostly married couples signed up to go so we thought it would be fun for
both of us to be a part of this one. I've already been on a few trips, but it never gets old. I'm always re-inspired to the work of HOPE every time I go on a trip like this or even just to hear Q speak about it. I love it! I'm sold. I'm in. This trip was no exception!

The kids were so adorable and so much fun to play with. They loved having their picture taken and then seeing it on the screen on the camera.
the bank meeting...making loan payments
at one of the homes in the Batey
Q and I with one of the HOPE clients.
On the bus
At the end of the trip, we had a couple hours to tour the city. This was taken in front of Christopher Columbus' son's house.
...& Love
We made the last 3 nights and 3 days of the trip a babymoon!
We stayed at an all-inclusive resort and enjoyed some time relaxing in the warm weather. Our 15 year anniversary is this year on July 20th. We thought this would be the better time to celebrate considering we will have a newborn and I will just be a couple weeks fully recovered from surgery in July.
We enjoyed early morning walks on the beach.
Flamingos at the resort...
...and peacocks just kind of wander around
It was such a blessing to just hang out on the beach and have nothing to do [read: no houses to clean]
It was my birthday shortly before we went on this trip. My birthday present from my bff, Dawn was some much-needed pampering. So, I saved it for this day on the beach, and this sweet Dominican lady came right to my beach chair and gave me a head-to-toe massage and a manicure. LOVED IT! thank you, Dawnie!
exactly 6 months pregnant
(27 weeks)
We had a special dinner at one of the restaurants at the resort to celebrate the 15 years that we've shared as husband and wife. We are both so grateful for our marriage and the life we've made together. God has been with us through the good times and the challenging times just as He promised, and we give Him all the glory for our blessings and our sufferings.
So excited about the future!