Briar FINALLY went potty on her potty chair for the FIRST TIME EVER!!! This is crazy to me, because Eden and Truman were both potty-trained completely...through the 2 1/2! Briar has thrown me for a loop with her love of the diaper and potty refusal. I will admit she's got 4 big people babying her all the time and she pretty much always gets her way, but c'mon...who wouldn't rather sit on a potty than sit
Hooray for Briar! Maybe we should have brought her into developmental psych a few months ago to have sped up the process like we did for her crawling?? :) Seriously, though, you must be pleased. I can't wait for Josiah to show a glimmer of interest.......
She is WAY CUTE!! She is so her own little person!!!! I love her. And your potty chair is so freaking cute..I want one like that!! Rose has a super lame lime green one from IKEA..sick. Now I am going to be looking for a cool one! Who knew they existed!? Everytime we set Rose in her chair with no diaper she pees in there! I SO need to be doing it more! Then the other day she came up to me and handed me her potty (haha) and was trying to get me to take her pants off and I didn't believe that she actually would have done anything, and I was nursing James so I didn't take her pants off (bad mom alert, haha) and SHE POOPED HER PANTS sitting on there!! So she would have gone in there! I felt so bad that I didn't take her seriously!!!!!
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