Tuesday, December 23, 2008


On November 19, 2008 my Grandpa and Grandma (my dad's parents) celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary! Wow! What a legacy they are for their whole family! And, they are just as cute as ever.
We all went out to dinner as a family to Prime Quarter Steakhouse, our favorite "grill-your-own" steak restaurant in Madison! It is the same restaurant where Q and I had our rehearsal dinner 12 1/2 years ago the night before our wedding! So it was fun to reminisce too!
Q and I will celebrate our 70th when we are both 92 years old!
Happy Anniversary Grandpa and Grandma Blaser, and thank you for your amazing example to us. We love you!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Briar Lane

this is a picture of the street I grew up on...where my parents still live...and yes, we named our third child after it as well.
It's also the street to which our mail is being forwarded while we are in "limbo". Friends and family, please send Christmas Cards to us at:
7039 Briar Lane
Sun Prairie, WI

Friday, December 12, 2008


Well, we have 3 different destinations for our "stuff" so when it was time to UN-load, it was quite the project. God is in control...so we give Him thanks that the snow waited until we had everything out of the truck and in an appropriately dry and safe location.
It actually worked out for us to store our possessions in my parents' basement. Everything fit perfectly snug and we were able to negotiate a more affordable monthly rate compared to a public storage unit.
As we continued the unloading process it became very apparent that my parents' house was by far the best solution to necessitate our sorting and storing needs. We had taken over the driveway and the front yard with "piles" of boxes and things designated as "needed in limbo (Wisconsin)" or "pack later for Poland" or "permanent storage in the basement" which we plan to eventually ship over on a big container on a ship assuming the business takes off and we are there for a few years! It would have been much trickier to accomplish the task of sorting through everything anywhere else.
We were very fortunate to have nice weather to get the job done!
Every time we get something accomplished and behind us and closer to the goal of moving our household overseas, there is a sigh of relief!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Packing Loading Moving

The kiddos loved this big diesel truck! Sophia and Anthony had to have a turn to ride around the block after helping us load it up! Eden, Truman and Briar liked taking turns riding with Daddy to Wisconsin too.
First and foremost I want to thank God for leading us and allowing us to sell our house when we did. We fully believe that He provided the perfect buyer at the perfect time. Praise HIM!
Special thanks to all of our friends who came and helped us pack and load the the moving truck. I don't know how we could've done it without you.
There were teams of people from HOPE International, Thank you so much! And friends from our ABF at church, Thank you so much! And, my litte sister flew out for the first weekend in November and helped a ton, thank you, Brookie! And, Dawnie helped me so much, thank you for keeping me on task, helping me pack, and for listening to all my problems, and being my shoulder to cry on...and for singing with me! Thank you to everyone who had us over for--or took us out for "one last dinner"! Thank you to Jesse and Krista for letting us crash at their house for our last weekend in Lancaster and for putting up with all our houseplants, leftover food and loads upon loads of laundry. Thank you to Dawn and Jon, Alisa, and Lauren and Jimmy for taking our kids and completely removing them from the situation so that Q and I could pack and get things done...and so they could have a break from being neglected and ignored! We are so grateful to all of our friends for all the help and support through this transition. There were many difficult goodbyes, hugs and tears. But, now we go on with special memories of our time in Lancaster and thoughts that make us smile, and friendships that will last a lifetime.

Brizee in the Backseat
Passing the Penske...smile and wave!