Well, we have 3 different destinations for our "stuff" so when it was time to UN-load, it was quite the project. God is in control...so we give Him thanks that the snow waited until we had everything out of the truck and in an appropriately dry and safe location.
It actually worked out for us to store our possessions in my parents' basement. Everything fit perfectly snug and we were able to negotiate a more affordable monthly rate compared to a public storage unit.
As we continued the unloading process it became very apparent that my parents' house was by far the best solution to necessitate our sorting and storing needs. We had taken over the driveway and the front yard with "piles" of boxes and things designated as "needed in limbo (Wisconsin)" or "pack later for Poland" or "permanent storage in the basement" which we plan to eventually ship over on a big container on a ship assuming the business takes off and we are there for a few years! It would have been much trickier to accomplish the task of sorting through everything anywhere else.
We were very fortunate to have nice weather to get the job done!
Every time we get something accomplished and behind us and closer to the goal of moving our household overseas, there is a sigh of relief!
nice to see a new post - I feel desperate for news :-) it was great to hear your voice today - I miss you so much!
I'm thinking about you guys!!! What a process this all is. I will continue to pray that all goes well with your move and that you have a wonderful time seeing friends and family this holiday season.
Love, Holly
Wow, what an enormous amount of organizing! I can't imagine how much work it must be to move overseas! Sounds like it's slowly coming together. Try to stay warm and keep us posted on your progress :)
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