this is a picture of us licking the walls. I couldn't resist. I still don't understand how anyone could go through there and not taste it at least once.
We had to go down about 400stairs before we even began the tour. This is a look down the center of the stairwell...we couldn't even see the bottom.

There were many sculptures and carvings in the rock salt throughout the tour. Also featured is a large chamber with walls carved to resemble wooden chapels built by miners in earlier centuries; an underground lake; and exhibits on the history of salt mining. The mine is often referred to as "the Underground Salt Cathedral of Poland."
The four of us waiting in line for the elevator ride back up to reality.
An hour and a half later...when we finished the tour, we were over 1,000 feet underground. Thankfully, the elevator only takes about 30 seconds to reach the top.
Jeff'sFor breakfast Sunday morning, we took them to one of our favorite restaurants in Krakow, Jeff's.

The Jewish District

Just now in recent years, because of all the tourism, the Jewish District is being renovated a little at a time. There are areas that are beautiful but most of it is still the old ghetto...empty buildings very run down. It feels like a movie set.

There is a memorial in the square where the Jews were forced to leave all of their possessions before boarding the train to Auschwitz. There are many reminders such as this of the suffering they endured that are just sobering.

We went to the Shindler Factory Museum, saw the quaint little hotel where Steven Spielberg stayed while filming "Shindler's List", and we even went into a Jewish synagogue.

It's a Jewish restaurant now, but it used to be a hotel. Spielberg stayed here.

I had never been in a Jewish synagogue was such a different feeling to be inside a church building with no acknowledgement of Jesus or the cross.

to be continued...