Our best friends from Minnesota, Joel, Sue, Josh and Alena recently came to visit us here in Krakow. They were here for 10 days and every minute of it was so special. They're the kind of friends who are more like family.

For dessert: Of course, a brownie selection from "more than a Cookie"!
This is Sue tasting her first brownie...
Well, needless to say, they were so excited to finally experience the cafe with all 5senses! So, first thing Friday morning we were off to enjoy some "More Than a Cookie" baked oatmeal for breakfast. They had the full-blown tour of course and got to taste and sample a little bit of everything...we all agree that the cafe is just so much cuter and better in person. I guess you will all just have to come visit!

more to come...
looks like you guys are really enjoying life in Poland...I am so happy for you guys!
I love your shirt, can I ask where you got it? Now that I think of the question that I just asked, it is probably from Poland!=)
You all look wonderful!! Keep the updates coming... I miss you!
If you're talking about the orange shirt --- she got it at Banana Republic -- I have one too :) B, I'm dying to know what pink borscht is??
who is "anonymous" ???????? that's what I'm dying to know! and pink borscht is an amazing beet soup that is just as pretty as it is tasty!
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