That's the address of our

What an exciting past few weeks it's been getting this new location ready to sell some more cookies, brownies, and cupcakes in Krakow. Q and Dad have been putting in
LOOOOOONG hours every day these past five weeks...designing, building, and installing literally everything themselves.

beginning stages

the walls are painted...

this is the frame of the awning

I even got to contribute some final touches by hand

painting fun words and phrases on the base of the awning, and it only took me 30 hours. Thank you to my sister-in-law, Jessica, for making it possible by babysitting my kids for most of them. I did have Briar come with me the second day and she was such a good girl I wish I had gotten a picture of her taking her nap on the floor. The passers by thought it was so funny! It was a ten hour day. She was there the whole time, but didn't even complain once. Q and I loved the

time we spent together too...we love it every chance we get to work together!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow...He is faithful and continues to provide all our needs.

What talent, skill, hard work ethics and artistic expertice the two of you have! I wish I could walk through the door of the finished product and try some coffee and cookies. It looks beautiful!! Congratulations on another new location!! Wish you the best as you press on, shining as lights for Him in this dark world.
This is amazing! So proud of you guys!!!!!! I wish you would've gotten a pic of little Brizee asleep on the floor :-)
I hope to have a chance to have a cookie and some coffee from both locations someday!
You look PERFECT in these pictures!!!!! How could you not have shown me!?! Some of my favorites EVER!
Thank you so much for your hard work - that place would NOT have been the same without your beautiful, FUN artwork. You are so talented. I hope we NEVER take you for granted!..same to you Q, we never could have done this place without you here (working HARD every SINGLE day ALL DAY LONG!). So grateful we have you guys. God used your gifts in the perfect ways.
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