Briar had a special breakfast date with Daddy. They went out to McDonald's...I wish you could hear Briar say it...she calls it something like Moke-in-don-odes. I think 3years old is just about the cutest age! When they got back home she was so excited to tell me all about her time with Daddy. When I asked what she had for breakfast she said, "potatoes...and a blueberry muffin".
I didn't know McDonald's has blueberry muffins either! Watch this cute video that Q made and see for yourself...
oh my word, she is so stinkin cute! I want a 3 year old again!!!
So adorable and funny! Thanks for the smile this morning. Josiah's three today, so I'm excited to hear from a veteran mom that three is the cutest age!! :) ('Cause you know, I take it all from a cognitive development point of view, and I definitely think three is the coolest age as far as how their little brains are working!) We miss you guys soooo much!!!
Is there anything cuter than that video? Oh my goodness! Briar is getting so big! I feel like I have already missed out on so much with her! And you are back to homeschooling! Sounds like things are going great! When are we going to talk again? I will look forward to it! love, miss and am praying for you guys!
Absolutely adorable! What precious moments Briar will have with her daddy :)
Just wait until the next time I go to McDonald's...I am ordering a blueberry muffin. How cute she is!!! Loved this video.
I loved this video of Briar! You have to do more of her talking - ahh, she is at such a cute age! I wish you were still around here so I could talk to her!!!!
Dear Bethany, Quenton and Family,
Just love receiving all your family updates. I don't know how you have time to do it all. Briar is such a little cutie. I usually get your messages on my blackberry, it's such a treat. I even got the video!
It's time for bed on this side of the world.
Take care and may The Lord bless and keep you all in his tendercare.
Love Aunt Nancy and Uncle Curt
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