on Gramma's lap...
As the years of thumbsucking {i.e. ingesting the germs from everything she touches and likewise placing her own germs on everything she touches} passed... my appreciation for pacifiers grew and I realized how much easier it was to throw a pacifier in the dumpster than a child's thumb...Eden and Truman both used pacifiers.
with Mama...
So when she was almost 4 years old we started talking about quitting and decided that 4 was much to old to be sucking one's thumb. And, she agreed that on her fourth birthday she would indeed quit sucking her thumb...but no sooner!
So we had Eden make a "No Sucky Thumby" chart and we got stickers--which she received one for each 24 hours that passed with no thumsucking. If she could successfully NOT suck her thumb for seven consecutive days she would then get a prize...and so on and so forth every seven days.
What a big girl!! We're working toward Josiah's 4th b-day to toss his paci. I hope we're as successful as you! I might have to steal your poster and sticker idea, because he's got 'em stashed all over the house in secret places. :) The other day Josiah said to me, "Umm, mommy, I think I don't want to stop using my paci when I'm 4. I think I'll stop using it...when I'm...umm...(big pause) fifteen."
What a great way to deal with the issue! You're so creative. I sucked my thumb into elementary school....niiice. She's adorable :)
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