the family room
the kitchen...
When we first moved in, we didn't have furniture for the living room so Briar was using the space as her playroom. It looks a lot better...and neater now but I must say, I miss having Briar playing close by.
the sunroom...with a great view of the lake. Most any morning you will find Q and I in here...doing devotions...sipping coffee...having breakfast...talking about the day ahead or the kids and our latest parenting issues or the's the best way to start each day. It doubles as a pretty nice home-office for Q many days too. This is definitely our favorite room.
...this was a major selling point for us. The back yard was so beautiful and private with all the trees and the view of the lake. The kids love going fishing or swimming anytime they want to.
master bedroom
I painted and refurbished this dresser... match this bedding
the kids' bathroom
the girls' room
Truman's room
Q & B - You guys have a beautiful house! What an awesome sun room/ office. What a fantastic place to get inspired!
loooooooove it!!!!!!! Cannot BELIEVE your view in the back!!!!! AHHHH--gorgeous, every room. Tranquil!
I have been dying for this post - FINALLY!!!! Love it - can't wait to see it in person!!!!
I. Am. So. Excited. For. This. Post. I have probably looked through it about ten times. Seriously. taking in the details. Trying to picture it and BEING there with you. Everything looks beautiful. So Bethany and So Stylish. Thank you thank you thank you for posting. I never tire of your pics. Keep em coming. And I seriously cannot wait to see you November
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