The best Sunday of the year! So happy to be part of such an amazing church. It truly felt like a glimpse of Heaven just like the title of this post suggests. With the choir, congregation and the incredibly talented band that we are so blessed with all
singing, shouting, dancing and lifting our praises to the RISEN SAVIOR together--I could barely contain my emotions. I didn't want the service to end...EVER. As I was saying!!! {Heaven} I seriously think the baby felt the same way--he was jumping for joy inside of me!
We were able to spend this Easter with the Marty side!
As usual, the food was exceptional!
My cut-out cookies! (it's a hobby) The Easter variety of these are my favorite ones to do!
And, lucky for me, Eden is old enough to help me now!
the kids table...they're getting so big???!!!
Rose and Briar
Easter baskets...

35 weeks
April 24th
so cute! You did not look like a marshmallow peep!:)
ok....I so need to see if Macie is signed out before I leave comments!:)
several things - -
- Easter is totally my favorite Sunday - and possibly day of the year!
- wish I could have had some of your Easter cut-outs
- the kids look adorable (and Eden looks so grown up)
- you look gorgeous! can't believe you were worried about looking like a peep!
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