Monday, September 19, 2011

First Day of School 2011

 she's in middle school!!!  How can it be?

 excited to ride the bus with her bestie neighbor, Rebecca

4th Grade

I can't believe she's in Kindergarten!?

 Yep, new backpack "packpack"

I LOVE her sweet smile

What a big girl!

makin' friends already

practicing riding the bus

Her teacher, Mrs. G

after school kisses and hugs

I met Eden off the bus and ran to her and hugged her and cried...mmhmm I'm THAT pathetic.
strollin' to the bus stop to meet Truman

hugs from Daddy
Eden with her after school snack

strollin' to the after-first-day-of-school-annual-neighborhood-party
neighbor Mary's bus cake

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Eden looks so old in these pics it kills me!