When Eden was in first grade, we got her involved in a really great basketball program called Upward. Well, this year, Truman got to be a part of it too! ...and Daddy...He was the coach of Eden's team! They had such a good time. Upward is a wonderful organization that, through the local churches, teaches the kids how to play sports and use good sportsmanship and honor God. They learn a Bible verse every week, and have devotions and prayer time. The games were every Saturday. It was pretty incredible to watch the progression from the first week to the last, and how much they had improved! Truman was quite the basketball star on his little co-ed team of Kindergartners! He has some natural ability, and he seems to be quite obsessed with sports in general. He did a super job. Eden really practiced being more aggressive this year. She was so good at defense. In one of the games she had to shoot a foul shot...she made it! It was awesome!
Last Thursday evening was the awards program and the special guest was, Seth Franco, one of the globetrotters who happens to be completely on fire for God! He was AMAZING! Everything he said was so moving and age-appropriate. ...and then, the "tricks" he did...the kids were in awe! "That was like the coolest thing ever!!!" It was the perfect end to this season!
please enjoy this little video that Q put together!
Wow! I'm impressed! They are so little and really good.
That was the cutest video EVER! They are both so good! I love it!!! I LOVE THEM!
they are incredible!! how cute! Is it a coincidence that I was number 11 in high school and number 3 in college? I think not.
xoAunt Brookie
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