Guess who's two!?! Briar turned 2 today, April 28th! We had the party yesterday. Our special friends, Dawn, Jon, Sophia and Anthony came for the afternoon. Grandpa and Grandma are here visiting from Wisconsin for the week, so the party was extra special this year. We had pink balloons, plates and napkins, and a 3-layer strawberry cake with pink cream cheese frosting and two pink candles! She was the cutest birthday girl ever; she blew the candles out all by herself. Thank you to our special friends and family back home and in Poland for sending gifts
We are so thankful for our sweet Briar Victoria. Happy 2nd Birthday, Brizee!
your kids are so beautiful! I cant believe I have never met them! Hopefully I can soon!
Our youngest wedding attendee is “2”! The time is flying- Happy Birthday, little Briar! Many blessing to you in the years to come!
Bethany, how are you doing guys?
anya e
Happy Birthday, Briar! Hope year 3 for you is the best year yet! :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Briar! yoy are such a cutie! Thanks for bringing joy into lives of everyone who knows you :)
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