We are finally here after a long journey that started when we left Lancaster on November 17th. We had such a good time with family and friends in Minnesota and Wisconsin for the past 2 plus months when we were in "Limbo". I spent hours and hours packing our stuff into 7 huge duffle bags, three rubbermaid containers, and 7 carry-on bags...and that was after we loaded the Ford Explorer with boxes, rugs, my computer, non-perishable food items, toys, all of our summer clothes and shoes...and then stuffed it with 13 garbage bags filled with pillows, bedding, towels and clothes until there were no more spaces or pockets of air in the vehicle. (Except for the driver's seat of course)
Thank you to my mom for giving up her living room for over a week so I would have enough space to tackle this project.
Thank you to Calvary Baptist Church in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin (the church I went to growing up)for letting us borrow the 15 passenger van so that my parents could come
with our whole family to Chicago with all of our baggage and all in one vehicle. Thanks Mom and Dad for coming along to say goodbye and to drive the van back to SP!
saying goodbye to my mom and dad in Chicago
Oh my gosh...isn't that the living room you were never allowed to sit in growing up??? :o)
I'm so glad you made it to Poland safely. Can't wait to see pics of your life over there. Love you guys!
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