Sunday, October 28, 2007

Women's Vision Trip to Dominican Republic

Well, the trip was AMAZING! It was so much more fun than I ever imagined! We had such a great group of girls! There were 5 of us that went on this "first ever all women's" vision trip to Dominican Republic.
It is so moving to see what HOPE is doing! I love to see the joy in the faces of all of these Dominicans whose lives have been completely changed because of this opportunity that HOPE is providing for them!
They are shocked that "the bank" comes to them in their extremely remote, completely hopeless situation and offers to lend them money so they can have a better life and a better situation for their family and their community and ultimately their country!
They take so much pride in their work and their businesses! HOPE is teaching them be responsible and disciplined with their finances as well as their health and the health of their families. HOPE requires that all of the clients save a percentage of their profits--there is a mandatory portion for savings as well as a voluntary portion that they decide for themselves. They are also required to have regular physical examinations. HOPE's partner in D.R. has a clinic where any of the clients can bring their kids and get free vaccinations and healthcare for their children! Praise God!
They all hear the gospel from the loan officer and most of them have accepted Christ and are so grateful for God's forgiveness. They are some of the most beautiful people I've ever seen! Continually praising God! It was such a blessing when we visited a school that a woman named Milan started. 7 years ago she started taking in children that had learning disabilities and/or behavioral problems, and the public school won't accept them. She loved them and fed them and taught them! She would often go without food herself in order to feed the children. Her story is incredible. The tears were pouring down my face as I listened to her telling how she came to Christ and sacraficed so much for these kids many of whom are orphaned or their parents just simply have nothing. The parents are so grateful to Milan. The children were such perfect angels sitting in the tiniest little school all packed together. They have such a special respect for her because she loves them so much! Christ's love is so powerful! Above is a picture of me with some of the kids at Milan's school.
There is no way to tell in an email...or by showing pictures... or just talking endlessly....You just have to go and see it for yourselves! It is truly life changing! I am honored and humbled to be a part of God's amazing work through HOPE.
Thank you so much to all of you for praying for me! It was simply PERFECT! I pray some of you can join me and Q on a trip in the future. With Love, Bethany
Below top: 3 girls at one of the communities that we visited. bottom: a bank of HOPE meeting; clients making payments on their loan.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Role Reversal

So, Wednesday night I will go to bed early, and then wake up at 3 o'clock in the morning to head to Newark, to fly to Dominican Republic! Q and I are reversing roles. This time he will stay home with the kids and I will go. I am going to be part of a Women's Vision Trip to Dominican Republic with HOPE! I will be gone Thursday through Sunday. I would appreciate it if you would keep me in your prayers...(and Q and the kids). I'm really excited to see what God has for me. I will share all about it when I return!
Love you all,

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Who Could Ever Be Mad at Her?

I think I mentioned that Briar keeps me busy...well, I just wanted to share a special collection of photos that I've made over the last few months to commemorate all of her hard work. She's actually very good at creating jobs for me to do. I think maybe she feels bad for me when I get the whole house perfectly clean...that I don't have any thing else to clean. Somehow she feels obligated to make a new mess just for me ;)!!! It's either that or she's 1 1/2 and she's just really curious what my purse or the drawer or cupboard or laundry basket or tissue box name it...looks like empty! Needless to say, not a good "sidekick" for the cleaning lady!!! Ya know what I'm sayin'??? Help! Let's just say a big "thank you" to whoever invented the "play-pen"...and, to Graco for making it portable!!!
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Busy B

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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Back to School! September 2007

Well, this year is a big one! Truman started Kindergarten! It was pretty exciting to pick out the new backpack, school supplies and clothes. Truman has been in school for a month already.....time goes so fast. He is doing so well.
He goes full days Monday thru Thursday. At first he thought the days were long, but he has adjusted nicely. His favorite thing is recess...he's all boy! Eden has always been all about the learning. She's in 2nd grade this year. So, now I'm enjoying my days alone with Briar. She comes to work with me....she takes her nap while I clean--it has worked out perfectly.