Friday, April 17, 2009

I Know My Redeemer Lives

He is Risen indeed! We had a wonderful Easter in Krakow. We had a nice dinner with Q's family and then we went to church Sunday evening. The church we attend is a fellowship of American missionaries. It's called Compass International Fellowship. We are so grateful to God for blessing us with an amazing church family and for providing special friends for our kids right away when we moved here. It's really helped to make the transition so smooth for our family.
I got involved with the worship team right away. I've really enjoyed being able to serve God and minister to others through singing again (I hadn't been doing as much when we were in Lancaster). On Easter Sunday I had the opportunity to sing "Redeemer" by Nicole C. Mullen.
The weather was gorgeous...we had a wonderful day...celebrating the resurrection of our Saviour!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Science Class!

Our favorite part about homeschool is that we get to stay home, but it's always fun to go on a field trip! So, for Science Class one day we all went to this great Museum right here in Krakow. It's a very interesting tour of fish and reptiles, stones, bones and fossils. They even had cute little monkeys and an iguana that nodded his head "yes" in response to us shaking our heads "no"! The kids LOVED it!This is us all piled on the bus! Jezzie always shows us around and tells us how to get everywhere. We still laugh about running to the bus stop carrying all the "babies" because we thought we might miss the bus. Eden was running and carrying Rose, Jezzie had James and I had Briar...I wish I had that on video...It's hard to run and carry a kid, let alone in heels...and then after all of that we ended up waiting for about 5 minutes at the bus stop!

After buses, trams and a lot of walking, we finally made it to the museum! Somewhere in between the bus and the museum, Dad met us with the stroller which was in the van at the cookie shop which is why we were running and carrying kids as opposed to just pushing the stroller really fast. This is the museum sign.

They had all these great little aquariums built into the rock walls. We had fun finding all the fish from the Pixar movie "Finding Nemo".
This is Eden holding an appropriately named "chocolate chip" starfish!

We decided to get a picture of all of us with this cool sculpture of a cobra.