Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to School (for real) 2010

After 3 years(for Eden)and 1 year(for Truman)of Private Christian School, and two glorious years of homeschooling, we decided to send the kids to PUBLIC SCHOOL!

First Day!

The neighbors invited us newbies to their 15th annual after-first-day-of-school-party ...school bus cake, snacks, and lemonade...

...and a picture of all the kids! That would be fun to look back on over 15 years. We truly love our new neighborhood. They have made us feel so welcome...like we've always been here.

Here they are waiting for the bus on the second day. This is also a first for them {and me}!
We've never used the bus system.

...it felt like the bus driver ripped my heart out and drove away with it. I was pretty emotional the first day.

Now, I just think it's brilliant!

Monday, September 6, 2010

"The Great Minnesota Get-Together"

We always go with our friends the Andersons...but we've had to miss it for 7 YEARS! So excited to be back in Minnesota!

 Corn Roast

 Joel and Sue
 My great fun friend from college, Diane, who lives in South Carolina who comes back to Minnesota every year for the state fair who happened to be there the same day that we went!!!  SO FUN TO SEE HER!!!
 Briar LOVES cotton candy (she takes after me)
 We met up with some friends from church so the kids could hang out a little while. {Nicholas and Ashley}
 the kids tried out the 4-wheelers

 Sue and I ALWAYS get cream puffs
 Sue was so sad the Republican booth was closed by the time we got there
the end of the night