Friday, July 29, 2011


A little summer project: Monarch caterpillars to butterflies

 step one: eat. poop. grow.
 step two: attach to the top of the cage and form a "j"

 step three: shed skin one last time and form chrysalis

 ...they stay in the chrysalis for 9-14 days
 just before emerging you can see the butterfly through the chrysalis

 step four: emerge and hang to dry

step five: release

What a miracle!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Smothered Brother

Jude 8 weeks

awwwww...this picture makes me feel bad for him...I guess there is such a thing as too much love!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Baby's First Road Trip!

Jude's first road trip was to Wisconsin when he was 7 weeks old.  Daddy was on a guys' fishing trip up in the Boundary Waters so I decided to head the other way with the kids for the weekend so I could be at my cousin's bridal shower and also so baby Jude could meet my side of the family...they were pretty eager to meet him too. It was a super fun, long weekend.  We went down Thursday afternoon and stayed until Monday. I was keeping my expectations REALLY LOW for traveling with a newborn...still nursing every three hours mind you.  So I figured if we plan things right, we might only have to stop once in our 4 hour trip. Well, things turned out BETTER THAN I EXPECTED! Jude slept the whole way there I didn't set foot outside the car even one time the entire trip. That's the good news. The bad news is that on Monday, I had my expectations WAY TOO HIGH.  I thought "hey, we just did this on Thursday...piece. of. cake." I couldn't have been more wrong! for the trip back home I lost count how many stops we made it felt like we stopped every single exit and rest stop between my parents' house and here. Long story short, we managed to stretch 3 hours and 45 minutes out to SIX AND A HALF HOURS!!!

Jude with Auntie Remick

Meeting Great Grandpa and Grandma Blaser for the first time. (Blaser is Jude's middle name) sweet is this!

Britani, the beautiful bride-to-be. So happy we got to be at her shower.

girl cousins

Dakota and Remick

so happy to meet Great Aunt Nancy...

...and Great Grandma Betty for the first time

more girl cousins

beautiful Evie

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Jude 7 Weeks

 Jude loves to be on his tummy. He always sleeps on his tummy and is a very good sleeper too.  He's learned to put himself to sleep for naps and bedtime and he started sleeping through the night consistently at 7 weeks. THIS IS VERY EXCITING FOR MOMMY!

Jude is getting so big! We are having so much fun getting to know him. First thing every morning the kids can't wait to see him and hold him--he certainly isn't lacking in the love department. He started smiling at 5 weeks and at 7 weeks he is so precious recognizing our faces and cooing back to us! MELT ME!  He rolled over from his tummy to his back for the first time the day before he turned 7 weeks.