Monday, February 21, 2011

The Bump

Okay...I've had some requests from my "out-of-area" friends for a belly shot. So I finally had Eden snap a few so I could post them on here.

 I love this...I'm all smilin' pretty for the camera as Truman jumps in at the last second...I actually wasn't smiling after the fact.  But now it kinda makes me laugh--Whatever!

February 14th
25 weeks

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Yo Adrian

This was a dream come true for Truman! He met his most favorite football player, Adrian Peterson --running back for the Minnesota Vikings.  He got his autograph and had his picture taken with him.
Q had been invited to this event hosted by AP through a work relationship. So it only seemed natural to bring Truman along!

Now Q is on a mission trip with AP in Rwanda. Truman thinks the next step should be to invite him over for dinner and a little game of football in the backyard.
...we'll see (wink wink)

Monday, February 14, 2011

♥ B, My Valentine ♥

her job was to put the hearts on...

Valentine's Day 2011
we went out to dinner and a movie
...we've made a habit of taking pictures of ourselves in the theater
to pass the time until the movie starts