Thursday, November 15, 2007

Giving Thanks

In Psalm 9:1 the psalmist wrote, “I will thank You, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.”

Truly 2007 has been a year of immense blessing. In recent years we’ve grown through life changing events such as career change, living in new surroundings, and the birth of our daughter, Briar. This year the Lord provided a season of stability for our family.
We are so grateful to God for always providing our needs, no matter how small or great they seem. What a blessing from the Lord to be surrounded by so many special friends, who make us feel so at home here.
Happy Thanksgiving 2007 from Us to all of our dear friends and family.
We are thankful for you!
With Our Love,
Bethany and Q, Eden, Truman and Briar

Thanksgiving Party at the Marty's

We are excited to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family in Wisconsin this year. But, we wanted to be sure to have a special dinner with our friends, Dawn and Jon and Kim and Kyle, so we hosted our 2nd annual Marty Thanksgiving Party last Sunday! I love to choose the perfect candles and dishes and napkins, and to make the centerpiece just right, and Q's job is to grill the turkey! It tastes so good, we've decided to make this a tradition. Plus, it frees up the oven for all the yummy side dishes like sweet potatoes with marshmallows, stuffing and mashed potatoes! Our thanks to the Z's and the D's for coming and for contributing to our feast! It was such a special afternoon/evening! There's nothing like old friends and good food! It's so great that our kids all love each other so much too!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Steven Curtis Chapman Concert!

Tuesday Night, there was a Steven Curtis Chapman concert at our church! We went with our friends Dawn and J.D. and Kim and Kyle. Sanctus Real opened for SCC! As of the concert...I am a HUGE fan of Sanctus Real! They were AMAZING! The lead singer has such a great voice!!! It was a total blast! I've been to several SCC concerts over the years--I've loved him since high school--I tell ya what, he's still got it! It was so much fun! I remember in the 90's he would always tell cute stories about his sons Caleb and Will Franklin, and now they are both part of his band! After the concert the crew was tearing everything down and Will Franklin, his 16 year old son (and drummer), was just hangin' out talkin' to people...literally down the aisle from us so I said to Dawnie, "let's ask to take a picture with him" he was so cool about it! So, this is Dawn and me with Will Franklin!
This concert was a great reminder of how Awesome our God is! The song, "Miracle of the Moment" is about how it's not just the great big life changing moments that are from God, it's every moment...just to breathe in and out is a gift from God! He is a part of every second of our lives! Praise God!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Baby's First Haircut

On Monday...Briar got her first haircut! She was perfect! I think she was pretty curious what was going on but she didn't seem bothered by it at all! She just played with the big powder brush or sucked her thumb while my hairdresser, Kelly, snipped away! We saved a lock of hair for the baby book, of course, and now she just looks like such a little girl! No more "baby mullet"!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007


On November 2nd, Truman turned 6! It has been an exciting six years watching him grow and seeing his personality develop. We are so proud of him. Happy Birthday, Tru Dawg! We love you!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Everybody survived Truman's party! I say it that way because no sooner had the "little" male guests arrived at our fun-outdoorsy-themed-wear-something-camouflage-play-games-and-eat-hot dogs-outside party and they had named the tent that we set up for them to, sit in...the "TACKLE HOOOOOUSE!!!!!!!!!!"
(to get the full effect you must read that in your loudest 'sports fan' type voice)!!! Oh my goodness!!! The tent was a wrestling ring to them!!! I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I planned this party! Just based on circumstances, us living overseas, Truman never going to preschool etc., the past 5 birthdays have just been extremely low key...mostly adults...or just family. I was just completely oblivious to what little boys are capable of in large groups I guess!? So, that said, It was really fun and crazy at times, but everybody lived! The weather was everything we had hoped it would be! It was perfectly dry and sunny! So as the boys were arriving at 3 o'clock they could just play outside on the swing set or in the tent a.k.a. "tackle house" you know, run boys! Then Q started them in a relay game called "bucket brigade" basically move the water in cups from one bucket to the other as fast as you can and whichever team gets the most in the allotted time wins! They loved it! Then we moved over to the neighbor's slightly bigger yard to play a "tag" game called "Mr. Bear Are you Sleeping?" you better be ready to run when Mr. Bear wakes up or you'll be one of his bear cubs!!! Then we broke into four teams for a scavenger hunt! We found bugs, sticks, feathers, tree bark, berries, assorted leaves, acorns....etc etc. Then it was into the house to open the gifts from all of Truman's buddies! Who knew something as simple as opening a present could be so wild????? We have a new found respect for Mrs. Hook (Truman's Kindergarten Teacher)!!! Truman is very excited about all of his new star wars, black spidey, legos, transformers, toys, games and airplanes!!! Then, a
fter the gifts we had some more "free-time" which I've learned, translates to-- every 60 seconds a boy comes out of the tent crying or bleeding!!!!!!!! For supper we served Hot Dogs, Apples with Carmel Dip, and Pretzel Sticks to keep with the outdoor theme! The cake was Truman's favorite...chocolate on top of chocolate on top of chocolate! After the cake and birthday wishes there was still 20 minutes 'til the party was over! So, since it was getting a little chilly we sent them all down to the basement, far away from the "tackle house" to play safely til the parents arrived! It was a wild and crazy boy party, but it was all worth it! Truman had a blast!
Happy 6th Birthday, Truman! We love you!
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Thursday, November 1, 2007